
Women in Danish Architecture is a living research project. 

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book launch

book launch

On 19 June, 2023, together with the publisher, we hosted a wonderful book launch in Copenhagen of our book Untold Stories. Women, Gender, and Architecture in Denmark. The book is co-written by...

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Last meeting of the network

Last meeting of the network

The research network Where are the Women in Scandinavian landscape Architecture? met one last time in Copenhagen in September 2022.

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Podcast episode 1

Podcast episode 1

’De glemte arkitekter’ (The Forgotten Architects) is a new podcast series in 6 episodes that is based on our research project. In this first episode, we talk about the need for a new Danish architecture history.

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Exhibition at Danish Architecture Center 

Exhibition at Danish Architecture Center 

On May 12, 2022 the exhibition Women in Architecture that sheds light on the role of women in architecture opens at the Danish Architecture Center. Our project group has collaborated on creating parts of the exhibition.

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New guidebook: ByWomen

New guidebook: ByWomen

Since 2020, Liv Løvetand Rahbek has photographed countless places in Greater Copenhagen as part of her work with the project. Her photos have now become a guidebook on architecture created by women.

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A Treasure Trove in Frederiksberg

A Treasure Trove in Frederiksberg

In a treasure trove in Frederiksberg, archivist Tina Lund maintains a unique collection: 100 years of landscape architecture photographs, drawings, newspaper clippings, and plans.

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Network meeting in Oslo

Network meeting in Oslo

Our network Where are the Women in Scandinavian Landscape Architecture? met for the second time physically on Campus Ås in Oslo, Norway.

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Introducing our Research Network

Introducing our Research Network

Our new international research network Where are the Women in Scandinavian Landscape Architecture? meets for the first time to discuss and share findings.

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Virgin, bride, mother, queen, and whore

Virgin, bride, mother, queen, and whore

Danish plant names can be surprisingly gender specific. Our project employee Frida has investigated the topic. Her article ‘Gendered Plant Names’ was released in the Danish journal Grønt Miljø, 2021.

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Interview in Landskab journal

Interview in Landskab journal

Our project leaders Svava Riesto and Henriette Steiner discuss Danish architecture from the 20th century in an interview for Landskab magazine.

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Talk at Holstebro Art Museum

Talk at Holstebro Art Museum

Our architectural historian Jannie gave a talk on Danish architect Hanne Kjærholm at the opening of the installation “Pavilion (Voices, The Shifting, Copy)” at Holstebro Art Museum.

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WIDA on Royal Danish Academy Blog

WIDA on Royal Danish Academy Blog

Guest blogging for Royal Danish Academy about our PhD course in 2020. The course, an offspring of our research project, hosted related, public events on architecture, landscape, and gender.

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